All Together Now…Let’s Read! LAMP Summer Reading 2023

June 22, 2023 |
by: Carolyn Rees

In the blink of an eye, once again, it’s time for Summer Reading at LAMP! Each year the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) decides on an engaging theme that inspires programming, book lists, and prizes. In the spirit of unity, kindness, and perhaps the 1969 hit from Yellow Submarine by The Beatles, this year’s theme is “All Together Now!” The program will run from Monday, June 26 to Friday, August 11. Patrons of all ages can contact LAMP today to register for the Summer Reading Program!

Given the success of last year’s Summer Reading Program and our record-breaking Winter Reading Program, LAMP set a goal of reading 1,500 books as a community this summer. Adult participants will receive a registration gift and book list with titles in our collection centered around the theme “All Together Now!” Juvenile and young adult patrons will receive a book log, scented stickers for tracking books, a Reading BINGO card, and a registration prize. Summer Reading is designed to be FUN, so we encourage everyone to participate and read, read, read! Whether it is books from our collection, magazines around the house, or books from elsewhere that are read by or to you, all reading counts towards our overall goal of a summer of literacy, learning, and 1,500 books read by LAMP!

This year’s Summer Reading is especially exciting because the National Library Service (NLS) has organized various virtual opportunities to celebrate the program throughout the summer. The Kick-Off Celebration will be on Monday, June 26 at 4 pm. It will include welcome remarks by NLS Director Jason Broughton, followed by Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden, who will read a children’s book for young participants. The reading will be followed by fun singing and moving to the music provided by Matt Mazur of Turtle Dance Music. To participate in the Kick-Off Celebration, register on our Events page at the following link: Summer Reading 2023 Kick-Off Event! | LAMP (

There will be additional programs throughout the summer, such as storytimes and author visits from the likes of Shelby Van Pelt, best-selling author of Remarkably Bright Creatures (DB 107924 CL 20034), and Kwame Alexander, author of The Crossover (DB 79528, DB Spanish 111942 CL 10655). Visit our Events page to explore these programs and additional virtual, hybrid, and in-person events hosted by LAMP this summer. Now it’s time to get reading. All together now!