Adventure is calling, and we invite all LAMP patrons to join this year’s “Adventure Begins at Your Library” Summer Reading Program! The program will kick off on Monday, June 24 and will continue through Friday, August 9.

As always, everything counts as reading—audio, braille and large print. Books can be checked out from our library, or you can get your reading materials elsewhere! This summer, we have set a collective goal of 1,682 books read by participants in honor of the year Pennsylvania was established as a new colony. We encourage you to make it fun and participate as much as you are comfortable!

Youth patrons (0-21 years old) will receive a Passport to log their books (and adventures!) this summer. Youth patrons will earn an extra spot in the Grand Prize Drawing by completing an Adventure Bingo sheet. Each month, readers will receive a small prize for their participation!

Adult patrons (over 21 years old) will receive an adventure-themed booklist as well as a list of reading “challenges.” These challenges have been a highlight and favorite part of the program in years past. We are excited to hear about where your summer reading adventure takes you!

Exciting programming will be offered throughout the summer by LAMP and the National Library Service (NLS), including author talks, accessible movie afternoon, craft programs, virtual escape rooms, and book clubs.Youth patrons in Grade 3 and up are invited to join LAMP’s Youth Services Librarian for a monthly craft program over Zoom. In June, we will create a Tactile Tic Tac Toe. We’ll make a beaded windchime in July and end the summer constructing 3D Hot Air Balloons that glow in the dark on August 7! Materials and instructions will be mailed out in advance, so registration is required through the Events Page or by contacting the library. Caregivers and siblings are invited to attend!

Teen patrons (14-21 years old) are invited to join LAMP’s new monthly Teen Book Club over Zoom. July’s Teen Book Club selection is Firekeepers Daughter by Angeline Boulley who will also be joining summer reading participants throughout the country on July 25 in conversation with Andrea L. Rogers. For more information, visit the Events link: Author Talk: Angeline Boulley with Andrea L. Rogers | LAMP (

For a complete list of upcoming programs, visit the Events page on our website. Registration is available through each event link or contact us today! We look forward to another successful LAMP Summer Reading Program!